Preliminary Inspection Planning (PIPs) & Targeted Inspections

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Preliminary Inspection Planning (PIPs) are required early on, before construction commences in order to set out the key stages / points in construction that warrant inspection. Reference is made to the Code of Practice for Inspecting and Certifying Buildings and Works, current at the time the Inspection Plan is being prepared. 

The Assigned Certifier and others, such as an Ancillary Certifier (e.g. MCD Fire Engineering acting as your Fire Safety Consultant) that have nominated to undertake necessary inspections, are also recommended to adopt an appropriate Inspection Plan which shall take into account all of relevant factors for the building work concerned.  

As part of a collaborative approach, MCD Fire Engineering, acting as an Ancillary Certifier will notify the Assigned Certifier of our Preliminary Inspection Planning (PIPs) and Targeted Inspections regime for inclusion in the Overall Inspection Plan.

The Assigned Certifier then, as part of the Inspection Plan and before the commencement of work on site, shall obtain agreement with the Building Owner and Builder via an Inspection Notification Framework (INF).

Targeted Inspections for an Ancillary Certifier (e.g. MCD Fire Engineering acting as your Fire Safety Consultant) would form part the INF.  This is to identify generally, the stages or items of work that the Consultant wishes to be notified of, as and when they are ready for inspection.  The actual number of inspections required for each Work Stage element is dependent upon the Builder’s Programme, and on the Importance of the Element, the Builder, the Site and the Size and Complexity of the Structure.  

Multiple inspections are likely to be necessary for each element of the Targeted Inspections.  

The Preliminary Inspection Plan (PIP), will be produced by the Assigned Certifier in conjunction with the other key Design Professionals, taking into account the construction programme for the works.  The Preliminary Inspection Plan (PIP) will then be issued in conjunction with the Commencement Notice.  

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