Onsite Inspection, Witness Testing and Commissioning

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Following on from the Preliminary Inspection Planning (PIPs) and Targeted Inspections, it’s important to note that the PIP will be a live document that is updated on an on-going basis during the construction process, to reflect the actual conditions and performance of the works.  

Ancillary Certifier (e.g. MCD Fire Engineering acting as your Fire Safety Consultant) carrying out their Targeted Inspections will produce Inspection Record Sheets for recording inspections and for notifying the Builder and/or Assigned Certifier of issues identified during inspections.

The Targeted Inspections Plans and Inspection Record Sheets are developed using professional skill and judgement, taking full account of relevant factors applicable to the particular Discipline and Project (Risk Assessment).

A Non-Compliance Report (Inspection Record), will provide a description of Non-Compliance Items/Works with Reference to Drawings and/or Specification and enable a Response By Contractor to Provide description of Corrective Actions Taken to Resolve Non Compliance Items/Works with reference to record photographs, test report etc.

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