Fire Safety Certificate (FSC) Application

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Firstly, where the applicant proposes a new building, a new building extension, material alterations to an existing building or a change of use of an existing building, a Fire Safety Certificate (FSC) Application is required. As an example, the following works require an FSC:

  • Works in connection with the design and construction of a new building    
  • Works in connection with the material alteration of:
          - A day centre.
          - A building containing a flat.
          - A hotel, hostel or guest building.
          - An institutional building.
          - A place of assembly.
          - A shopping centre.
  • Works in connection with the material alteration of a shop, office or industrial building where additional floor area is being provided within the existing building or where the building is being sub divided into a number of units for separate occupancy.
  • Works in connection with the extension of a building by more than 25m2. 
  • A building in which a material change of use takes place.

NOTE: In general, where a FSC application is made, this will also require a “Disability Access Certificate” (DAC) Application to also be made. 

There are several types of fire safety certificates, as listed below which MCD Fire Engineering can assist with the preparation, lodgement and obtaining of a grant of Fire Safety Certificate (FSC) Application for the intended works. 

  • Normal Fire Safety Certificate (FSC).
  • Revised Fire Safety Certificate (Revised FSC).
  • 7-Day Notice Fire Safety Certificate (7D-FSC).
  • Regularisation Fire Safety Certificate (Reg FSC).

Aside from the “normal” FSC application, relating to the submission of the relevant documentation before the commencement of any works, waiting the relevant statutory period and obtaining a Grant of FSC before any works comment on site, the following provides a brief summary of the other types: 

Revised Fire Safety Certificate (FSC) Application

This occurs where a previous FSC for works have already been granted, but incorporate significant revisions that need to be included, mainly for reasons other than fire safety, e.g. such as conditions related to planning permission (revised planning permission, etc), changes in design, and so on.

7-Day Notice Fire Safety Certificate (FSC) Application

This type of application includes a 7-day notice application form and is used where the applicant intends to commence building works before grant of the relevant fire safety certificate (FSC). Any person intending to use this application must also submit a signed original statutory declaration.

This is a declaration that any works carried out before the grant of the Fire Safety Certificate will comply with the Building Regulations and gives an undertaking to carry out any modifications or alterations required by the Building Control Authority under the grant (and its conditions).

Regularisation Fire Safety Certificate (FSC) Application

This type of application covers building works that required a FSC however, the works were commenced or completed post 1st June 1992 and without a required fire certificate application being lodged or granted. Any person intending to use this application must also submit a signed original statutory declaration.

The statutory declaration requires the applicant stating that the works carried out to date do comply with the Building Regulations and that the applicant will comply with any modifications or conditions imposed by the local authority.

Supplementary Information on the administration and applications may also be found at:

    • The Building Control Management System (BCMS). [National Building Control and Market Surveillance Office]

    • A 7-day notice application must be made via the BCMS registration/login page at: []

Council/Building Control Authority Fees

The following application fees apply and should be made payable to the relevant Council:

Full details are listed in Section 22 [S.I. No. 496/1997 - Building Control Regulations, 1997. -] of the Building Control Regulations 1997 – 2014 . This includes certain development works by certain organisations that are exempt from paying fire certificate application fees (e.g. certain classes of voluntary organisations; not for profit accommodation of homeless persons).

Partial refund of fee for subsequent applications
In situations of subsequent revised applications, e.g. where a granted FSC is followed within 12 calendar months of the original application, by a revised FSC for the same development, then there is provision to refund three quarters (75%) of the fee for that subsequent application. Note that for any such subsequent application, the applicant must first pay the full application fee, but three quarters (75%) of that fee is later refunded to the applicant.

Appeals Process
There are provisions to enable an appeal to An Bord Pleanála against a decision of a building control authority in relation to a fire safety certificate application and/or its conditions. 

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