Building Control Management System (BCMS)

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The Building Control Management System (BCMS) was established in March 2014 and is recommended as the preferred means of electronic building control administration. 

This operates as a system of validation of receipt of the correct documentation rather than an inspection of the documentation. Building Control Authorities may demand to inspect documents for up to seven (7) years following registration. 

The BCMS allows property owners to nominate the Assigned Certifier and the Builder for the works online, with these appointments to be accepted online once the party is registered with the BCMS. Registration is a simple process which requires only an email address. The user is contacted via email to verify the email address and can then register with and use the site. 

The site is intended for use by property owners, builders, developers, architects and engineers for the electronic filing of commencement notices and accompanying documentation, as well as certificates of compliance on completion. All of these documents are available to complete online via the BCMS. 

The BCMS is now operational in all 31 Building Control Authorities. When lodging a commencement/7-day notice, the minimum level of documentation required is as follows:

  • Commencement Notice with Part 6 Schedule of Documents attached.
  • Plans, Calculations Specifications, Ancillary Certificates and Particulars. 
  • Notice of Assignment of Assigned Certifier.
  • Undertaking by Assigned Certifier.
  • Notice of Assignment of Builder. 
  • Undertaking by Builder.
  • Inspection Notification Framework (with milestone inspections & indicative dates).

These are the documents necessary in order for a commencement notice to be validated, as confirmed by BCMS and issued in guidance to all local authorities. Once the notice has been validated, works must commence on site within 28 days of the lodgement date, or a new notice will be required. 

It must be noted that for the time being, commencement notices/7-Day notices and documentation may still be submitted to Building Control Authorities in written format, however these will need to be scanned and uploaded by the relevant building control authority which may result in delays to statutory deadlines. Also, an administrative charge will apply for processing such documents. 

NOTE: Members should be aware that Building Control Authorities are NOT automatically notified when documents are uploaded, and as such members should inform the Building Control Authority when information is uploaded to the BCMS. They should also check the system on a regular basis for any documentation uploaded by other parties. It is expected that automatic notification to all parties of any new uploaded documentation will be rolled out in the next upgrade of the BCMS.

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