Ancillary Certificate of Compliance on Completion (Ancillary Completion Certificate)

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No building can be used, occupied or sold until the mandatory Certificate of Compliance on Completion is registered by the Building Control Authority. Once the works are completed, the Assigned Builder and Assigned Certifier must complete the Certificate of Compliance on Completion (Article 20F) and lodge this with the Building Control Authority via the BCMS. 

A member of the MCD Fire team will carry out inspections on site review at the various stages during construction works, following which a report will be issued that highlights areas requiring attention and works to be remedied in both the active and passive fire protection systems.  MCD Fire will also review relevant documentation, such as other related ancillary completion/sign off certification, declarations of performance, installer certification, and other relevant documents that have been issued for the works to demonstrate / establish compliance with the relevant standards and codes of practice.

Following or nearing the completion of the works on site, and successful closing out of any defects/snags from the Targeted Inspections Plans and Inspection Record Sheets, the Ancillary Certifier (e.g. MCD Fire Engineering acting as your Fire Safety Consultant) in verifying, through that inspection/witness/testing process, the completion of their design against the approved Fire Safety Certificate (FSC) Application will provide an Ancillary Certificate of Compliance on Completion (Ancillary Completion Certificate), signed by the Engineer for that element of works at completed Inspection Stage. 

Where BC(A)R is not applicable, MCD Fire will issue an Opinion on Compliance with Part B of the Building Regulations on satisfactory completion of the works. 

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